More and more people are switching to VoIP because it supports a lot of features than a regular phone. It is an efficient and cost-effective way of communicating with your customers no matter where you are located. All you need is a good bandwidth supply to start using this service. People have lots of questions in their mind and they haven't yet switched to VoIP because they need answers. Among the many questions people are asking, the one we are doing to discuss is about the latency of the VoIP connection. People want to know if its latency can get as low as a regular phone.
First, let's see what latency is. Latency means a delay in something. In communications, latency occurs when a voice packet transmission does not reach its destination in time. This happens when an echo is created in a slow network connection. Phone line latency can be measured in one direction or both. One way latency refers to the time taken by the data packet to travel in one direction only. It is used for diagnosing network problems. Two-way latency, on the other hand, measures the round trip time.
Latency is an issue in VoIP since the auto calls are real-time communication and even the slightest delay gets noticed. High latency can slow down the entire conversation. This situation can become aggravating when one or both callers have pronounced accents.
So, 'Can VoIP ever have latency as low as a "regular" phone line?' The answer is 'No.' Latency occurs because of a poor internet connection. It is actually a function of your network connection or the equipment involved, it's not a limitation of the VoIP service itself. If you or the person on the other end of the phone has a poor internet connection or low bandwidth, then latency can occur. Other than this reason, latency can occur when you are:
Most of the jitter in VoIP is at the customer's end. It is caused by non-voice data getting queued up between voice packets in the serial data stream. The most effective way of dealing with this problem is to delay the non-voice packets and transmit them at regular intervals between the voice packets. Some of the modern customer routers come with this functionality which is known as traffic shaping or QoS. It analyzes the outgoing packets before they reach the modem and reorders to ensure there is a lower delay in the transmission of the data that is time sensitive.